
Monday, 24 October 2016

Win a Signed Copy of THE DOUBLE AXE

Have a look at Alma's website here for more details. The competition will be up soon - for the moment, check out their Twitter feed.

Philip Womack's Mythical Bytes: No 4. Pegasus' Brother

How was Pegasus, the winged horse, born? When Perseus slew the Gorgon Medusa, the white winged stallion sprang from the drops of her blood.

But what of Pegasus' brother? Spare a thought for Chrysaor, who entered the world at the very same time as his sibling. But did he get wings and a horse's body? Did he become an inspiration for the muses? Did he become the subject for endless suspect fantasy art?

Did he hell. Chrysaor was born a man - and his main claim to eternal fame is that he was the father of a three-headed giant. You can only imagine the family reunions.

Café M at Manns of Cranleigh

Cafe M at Manns of Cranleigh has been featured on Dizeen, the design blog. Designed by vPPR architects. Have a look here.