Friday 4 October 2024

Notes on... Invitations

 I've written a paean to invitations for The Spectator, in this week's edition. Read it here, and here I'm talking to Mary Killen (her off Gogglebox) about the decline.

Friday 13 September 2024

Saturday 7 September 2024

The Count of Monte Cristo: Rereading for The Times

 Sometimes a commission comes along for which I'll drop everything: and quite literally, I did for this one, a re-reading of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, for The Times. I read it in four days flat - an entirely blissful experience which reminded me a bit of being at university and having the leisure to do nothing but read. Here's the piece. There's a small error in it: I've written that Edmond was illiterate; he wasn't, of course; I meant "uncultured" as a contrast to his cultured second self.

Monday 2 September 2024

Sam Leith's THE HAUNTED WOOD: review

 I began work at Literary Review as an intern, some twenty years ago; I left in 2008, and continued on as a Contributing Editor. I love the magazine, and thus am entirely delighted that my review of Sam Leith's splendid book on Children's Literature, THE HAUNTED WOOD, is on this month's cover. You can read the review here.

Friday 23 August 2024



My review of Mark Haddon's latest collection of short stories, Dogs and Monsters, is in this week's Spectator. Read it here.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

CREATION LAKE by Rachel Kushner: review

 I've reviewed Rachel Kushner's latest novel, CREATION LAKE, for Spectator World.
Read it here.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

In Defence of Personal Statements

 I've written a little blog for The Spectator about UCAS getting rid of personal statements.