
Thursday, 23 August 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey gets greyer

"I do think that if they’re going to write at all, they ought to sit down and learn about sentence structure and not punctuate with ludicrous phrases like, “Holy s***” and “Holy
crap”. You have to learn to write. You can’t just decide to be a writer, in the same way that I couldn’t suddenly decide to be Darcey Bussell and jump on to the stage and do ballet, could I? It takes practice. I don’t begrudge anyone making money, but it seems tragic that people are rushing to buy these books at the expense of a lot of very good writers who are really struggling."

This is from the excellent and lovely Jilly Cooper in The Times, about Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James. I think that says it all, really, doesn't it?

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